Mood boards and Mind map

The winner: Post-Apocalyptic

I love how complicated this mind map is. I found 3 different ways how different cultures are finding post-apocalitic setting. Western culture absolutly love zombies as I found. Eastern people prefer more communistic vision of the apocalipse. Asians love animals replacing humans.


I decided to pick the post-apocalyptic theme for my environment because I love games set in destroyed universes, I had a plan to make a game last year placed in post-apocalyptic Wroclaw. I have a pictures taken of places I want to convert into post-apo like a main train station. I would like to convert it into supply line, or huge bus station near it into bandit camp. There is so much potential in this project. I cant wait to start modelling of objects. Application I found during the research will help me to visualise destroyed city of my dreams.

post apo

Second place: Si-Fi


Second option I was considering was Si Fi and creating the human colony inside… Living human. That’s something fresh and unique, but really hard to make right. Maybe someday I will try entire game based on this topic.

si fi


Last place: Fantasy


I failed this topic, I still have no idea what could I make to create unique world. This mood board is smaller than previous one, but I hope its enough.




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