Asset list for my Post-Apo level

Assets are going to fill my area, list should be long because if in one place there is to much of the same asset, player will be suspicious, and consider a environmental artist a lazy man.

  • Trash pile – trash piles makes the environment look more abandon, and allow me to hide not ready areas or restrict playable area by blocking the door way or the road.
  • Garbage Bags – garbage bags could be used instead of sand bags and as a prop to fill empty spaces. +
  • Elegant old fashion walls/windows/doorways
  • Paper – by paper I mean newspapers, posters etc. I could pace them on the wall, on the floor, just anywhere. +
  • bottles – bottles are another thing I can put anywhere to fill empty space. +
  • Bin – there is a lot of garbage, but there also should be a bins, and all that garbage placed next to bin should look more realistic. +
  • Sandbags – I am going to make somewhere military outpost, that’s why I need sandbags. +
  • Grass – Even in city centre there is some grass, I could also place some grass growing from the road.
  • Trees – in the area i am going to create there is at least 40 trees, that’s why I need them in my environment.
  • Bricks pile – Bricks piles are going to be placed next to destroyed houses. +
  • Dead bodies/bodies bags – I could fill the interior with bodies bags to make it even darker +
  • Car wrack – where is the road, there should be always a cars
  • street lamps – just to fill a space next to road
  • road – I am going to make modular road.
  • rails – Rails are going to be modular as well.
  • tents – tents are going to be in military outpost and in bandit town. +
  • baricades – this asset is going to be on the doors, windows or just blocking the road.
  • bus – Obviously I need to make at lest one bus I could place on the bus station. +
  • train wagons – In poland there is wagons everywhere, I could even place them on the middle of the road and its still going to be realistic.
  • shack (make-shift) – houses I am going to place in bandit town.
  • signs – next to road. +
  • military vehicles – there is going to be a lot of military equipment around.
  • barrels – barrels are in every game. +
  • military creates – to create military outpost
  • tires pile – another junk I could use to block a road or just place somewhere. +
  • tables – In the area I am making there is at least 2 restaurants.
  • bikes – In Poland bikes are very commonly used way to move through the city.
  • chairs – again, for the restaurant.
  • rocks – I can place them as natural rocks or just as a piece of ruins.
  • fire place – there is no electricity, people need to heat somehow themselves. +


Asset rationale 

Amount of assets is a subject to change in final environment.

Bus station/PKS/8 like building:

x90 windows x8 doors x16 sandbags x30 bodie bags x4 trash piles x6 tents x15 creates

x3 tables x8 chairs x20 papers x8 bottles x3 bins x2 brick pile x1 fire place x16 baricades

Bus parking:

x3 bus x7 shacks x1 fire place x12 barricades x1 car wrack x3 tents x3 chairs x3 trash pile x19 bottles x2 bins x3 street lamps x20 grass x10 sandbags x3 bikes x2 tire pile x9 garbage bags


x19 trees x40 grass x13 garbage bags x1 bus


x9 bikes x9 chairs x5 junkpiles x20 baricades x10 street lamps

Small mansion:

x9 windows, x1 door, x10 garbage bags, x1 table, x3 chairs and a key




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