Overdrawn art

For this project I created two overdrawn to show what I want to achieve. First of them show the starting location which is a train station. This is only a small part of station called “Wroclaw Glowny”. As you can see building is going to be grey and old however not damaged o lot. That’s why a player character will start over there. That’s rational decision to live in not destroyed building. I know we are not making a game and not everything need to be logical, however I feel better when I know there is a reason for the player to start there. Another thing you can find interesting on this picture is a time of the year. As you can see a leaves on the trees are really colourful, autumn is a time in the year when everything is dying, this year time fit post-apocalyptic theme very well, that’s why I decided to place my environment during the autumn. Now my level have some meaning behind it. I also had an idea to add some story to my environment, something like a propaganda posters or something, but for now I don’t think its a good idea, my time is very limited, I must focus on other things first.


Photo below show how I imagine a a bandit camp on the bus parking. That’s funny how at the start of this project I was calling it a “bandit TOWN”. Its not a town at all. This location is too small to be a bandit town, that’s why its just a camp now. In my final game definitely I am going to improve it a little bit more, maybe a good idea could be create an asset of the ladder and place some shacks on top of the buses. also I am thinking of making a bus interior to have some more place to fill.

bandit camp

Now let me say something both pictures have in common, this thing is black empty windows. Its not my laziness, I really want to keep them dark and empty, if you are wondering why, let me explain. I am a huge fan of book “Metro 2033”, and in this book, author have been describing the windows as dark and empty, and he was comparing them to empty eyes of the dead city. I really like that. That’s why in my environment windows are going to be empty and dark as well. I want player to feel dense atmosphere of destroyed world, let him feel somebody eyes on him, however there is nobody around him. Only empty dark eyes of the dead city.

My arts are based on this three location. I make a screenshot of them and overdrawn to show what I want to achieve.

szkic 1szkic 2szkic 3

The last location is sadly not used. I didn’t have enough time to make third art, however at least I have a nice screenshot of it. This location is a “PKS” (bus station). This building is huge. There is a lot of empty windows looking at the player, huge shadow of this building is covering most of the map. I expect player to try this building, get inside and look for supply. However the building is going to be blocked.


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